Happily Harvey

Hi, my name is Caitlin Jenna Tarantiles Harvey (just got married and this new name is still sounding strange!). I am originally from New Jersey, but came down to NC for college and have not left since! I am a proud alum of Elon University and UNC Chapel Hill!
I am a school counselor by trade. I am a huge family girl, love matching outfits, and am trying to be runner (a very slow, but persistent one).
I have completed an introduction course and an intermediate photography course at Wake Technical Community College. Most importantly for all of you, I love taking pictures and capturing a person or family's story in this manner. I am excited to meet you all!
*Tambien, puedo hablar en Espanol y si enviarme un mensaje en Espanol, puedo enviar todo la informacion.
* Right photo credit: Sarah Davis